Obviously, there are different facets of business require manpower and a helping hand in order for you to achieve some traction. There are some questions in mind which determine what you can and can’t give to others.
Logistics BPO Outsourcing can be a useful venture then if you want to reduce costs but do so in a manner where you can still retain the Full Operational and Managerial Control you want.
First, there are some things you Can’t Outsource:
Operational Management
This should ideally be done by you or a business partner. You cannot just farm this out to someone else. These are very important decisions and while you can ask other people for ideas. But the Direction in which your operations run should be decided by you and you alone.
a. Client Acquisition Approval
Whoever you choose to work with is a task for Higher Management, the CEO, in other words, you. Though you may have an Attorney on your payroll to consult or an in-house expert who can inform you well about the activities of your supply chain, it obviously is impractical if you let Client Acquisition or Customer Acquisition, Decision Making practices be outsourced. You can offshore the Agents who will perform the sales calls, but the decisions should be yours. You should call the shots because the kinds of people you collaborate with will impact your operations.
b. Managing Field Staff
Field staff are different from remote staff. Obviously you have your own in-house team or at least a few people who definitely have to work with you back home. You and your own Managerial team have to do this in-house. No outsourcing team can impart the managerial requirements that suit your field staff.
Second, there are things you CAN farm out to others. This is where 4PL Logistics comes in. Logistics companies often know what they need and if there is an advantage to offloading some of these chores.
c. Data Processing
If your company has grown, then obviously there is a lot of data, transactions and accounts that need to be consolidated stored and analyzed. You can do the analyses and judgments yourself, but if these are getting too tedious for you and your team, then maybe it’s time to consider a BPO Service. These documents can range from Key Accounts to bills of lading to potential contacts or your emails that simply need organization. Supply chain management requires you to be meticulous about how your data is collated and collected. Include data processing then in your list of requirements to include in hiring an SEO company.
Customer Support
If you have your supply chain going, there will be a need to answer some phone calls or emails. Leaving these messages unattended will negatively impact your organization. If you want a full and robust team to take care of these needs then hiring an experienced team of customer service representatives is essential. You can outsource customer support, email organization, data entry and everything related to BPO service operations in order for your organization to take advantage of cost reductions.
Accounting and Bookkeeping
This entire area can comprise Collections, Payments and even Order Processing. If there’s already a lot on your plate, then this is something you can definitely turn to 4PL providers for. The shipping and logistics industry can be an extremely large apparatus that getting all of these parts organized is crucial.
A good outsourcing partner would greatly help you practice your logistics processes and ensures that all of your transactions are in place. Finding a good company that does logistics BPO outsourcing can be feasible if you want to speed up your bookkeeping procedures. Your organization needs robust monitoring in keeping in touch with these aspects. You also ought to include the software applications that your accounting staff need to be familiar with if you are to be collaborating with them.
Cloud Computing and IT Outsourcing
You can in fact take full advantage of cloud computing. If you already have Remote Employees for your logistics business then it makes sense to be able to get in touch with them. Of course you can come up with a system that allows you to log in freighters and orders and your entire assets. Asset management or at least aspects of it are things you can Offshore to an efficient logistics BPO Firm. Your organization can manage the Core functions, while other admin tasks can be farmed out elsewhere.
International Marketing
If you want your brand to grow, then you can always use Digital Marketing specialists to bring it out there internationally. You can implement the plans and procedures for bringing your company to your niche and intended regions and countries or shipping. But for all the tedious tasks including SEO, SEM and even Telesales, those are absolutely things that you can set to delegate to an offshore office.
If you find a good company, one that allows you to make changes to your operations. But at the same time still makes you the captain of your own boat, then that’s the time you know you’ve found the right Outsourcing partner. A well equipped logistics BPO outsourcing provider can offer you an entire team of remote staff capable of executing these chores. Food chains, retail chain outlets, all of them inevitably require you to reach a wider audience, it is imperative then that you come up with a strategic way of presenting yourself to these different audiences.
Here’s something you want to consider, only you know the answers to these questions:
- Have you ever considered opening an office there back home in the States? What are the operational costs?
- Can you guarantee a return of investments by opening yet another physical office n there?
- If you can find a way to get people who are as good as Americans or British or Australians on your workforce but get them for reduced costs, would you at least consider the thought of Outsourcing?
Your organization together with its operational efficiency is determined by you alone. Saving on operational costs should be a Long Term and not a short term and artificial promise. The chain of command with Remote 4PL Logistics outsourcing is the same as onshore, there’s You the Manager, then your Employee. We provide an On site Supervisor, but the person calling the shots to set the tone is You.
What are the tasks that you can outsource to an Exceptional Remote 4PL Logistics Provider?
Set up a Call with Us if you find Outsourcing to be the best route.