The Benefits of Outsourcing Chat Support in the Philippines
Customer support is not limited to voice calls. Chat is another immediate way to get in touch with customers. It is not just product knowledge, but the ability to communicate about a product that brings you sales. This can be done in a remote outsourced office.
Chat has the advantage of clarity. Provided you have a really good chat agent, none of these correspondences get garbled or muffled over the phone.
Live Chat Support Outsourcing Agents in the Philippines are Top Notch
We don’t just have assembly line workers from sweatshops.
The Philippines in particular has highly skilled customer service agents and chat support staff.
This is because most of them are college graduates and are exposed to Western culture.
This is our edge over outsourcing customer service in other countries.
Human agents in the country are absolutely mindful of a company’s bottom line and they care about teamwork and striving for perfection.
Superb written English
As with phone calls, Chat requires a good command of written English.
Your support agent should have a grasp of proper grammar and an understanding of the idioms that exist in another country.
Sometimes, it’s not just enough to be literate, but it is important to be culturally sensitive.
Sometimes this isn’t limited to proper punctuation.
It’s also the use of idioms and prepositions.
“I’ll get back to you.” (I’ll come back and address this concern) is very different from “I’ll get back at you.” (I’ll get even with you).
Paraphrasing skills
Sometimes, in a contact center, callers can’t express themselves as technically and as articulately as we would like.
But on the part of the live chat support agent, it’s important that he or she has the ability to paraphrase or rephrase the customer.
This is to make sure they understand everything.
Paraphrasing ensures that the agent and the one inquiring through chat are absolutely on the same page.
Furthermore, the dealings of a chat agent also involve coaching a customer to go through a number of steps.
This includes navigating an e-commerce website or inputting product keys. Addressing all their concerns while also obtaining feedback are crucial steps.
Building rapport
After someone chats up an agent, they may need to get their phone number and similar pieces of contact info.
Customers call because they need reassurance. So chatting is no different from virtual calls or phone support.
Rapport building is something you do yourself.
In your meetings with potential clients and future shareholders, you want them to trust you.
By the very same token, your buyers need to be able to confide in and trust your agents.
The ability to multi-task and pull up links to necessary pages
Response times are one of the key metrics or KPI’s of a call center.
So it’s important that to improve customer satisfaction, the customer feels that you truly care about them.
Meeting customer expectations in real-time is important.
With this in mind, the right person is able to attend to customers but also bring you up to speed on your current sales, operational and technical needs.
Their ability to integrate all these levels of information should be impeccable.
Familiarity with different products
It’s important that your agent also become aware of how different products or packages differ.
If they are adequately trained, then this means they are able to provide a more in-depth level of support that customers want.
This is obviously essential.
Because if you’re selling a software application, for example, there may be certain nuances and a certain number of clicks before the customer can achieve what they want.
The best way to find this is through hiring a remote team that also provides you with an on-site Supervisor.
And through the right outsourcing company, your staff’s functions can be customized according to your needs.
This can be done with proper training.
If you work with a remote staffing provider who not only provides you a Supervisor but allows you to personally oversee your workers, then that is as good as it gets.
You reduce costs but still maximize your efficiency because of the way they are able to carry out these admin and customer service tasks with finesse.
Expertise in creating written reports and summaries
Sometimes, a transaction does not only consist of interacting with a customer.
The agent would need to tally a list of orders, numbers, and codes for later inspection and collating.
This plays a huge part in collating the data which would then be used to enhance the customer experience.
It always is good to know what the current needs, wants and feedback are from clients.
So writing them down to summarize the customer experience is vital.
All that said there are certain other qualities that you might desire in your contact center employee.
Customer Service Experience
Ideally, you want to hire an experienced employee.
Sure it’s possible to train an employee we all start somewhere but someone who goes to chat having already had some experience in the field of customer support is an asset.
They know how different customers have different temperaments. And they very well know how to treat other people.
Social Media Marketing
It sometimes is important that your live chat support is tied with your social media campaign.
And for some companies, social media is part and parcel of the whole package.
Through it, you can receive real-time feedback, queries, and even purchases because posts can often be portals to landing pages themselves.
Customer Expectations
If you’re selling a new piece of hardware, software, or even an oven, there is no doubt a set of expectations which the customers would have.
By this token, it’s important to anticipate these so that you can have a set of prepared replies and directions to their queries.
But you don’t just want someone who cuts and pastes text, this chat agent should have an aptitude for connecting with them.
If you get out ahead of the game by laying out the parameters, then that increases your chances of success all the more.
Your agent can then check what the trends are on Facebook or LinkedIn or other networks you use and these form a part of your updates and would then be used for further enhancements to your company.
Gaining real-time insights about your industry is vital.
Call center chat support is obviously essential.
It is important to gain insights with your industry.
You get to set the specifications of what you need in order for your employees to function properly.
High-quality equipment and infrastructure is another facet that needs implementation.
Sometimes people who work as chat support can also function as voice agents.
If you tell us how you want to operate, then we’ll do the necessary adjustments to our staff.
Customer service is at the very heart of your business.
It’s important not to fudge over any of its aspects.
An outsourcing company that brings your tasks into completion is absolutely key to achieving your needs.
We don’t just outsource call center agents, we also offer a host of other services including appointment setters, account specialists, and live chat agents.
We also offer a host of other services from social media marketing to graphic design, you name it we offer it.
iSuporta offers you chat support and all your other customer support needs.
Best Use Cases for quality data sets
We focus on high level of accuracy, with internal training programs, and knowledge share, to make your Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP) project a success.