Data Entry Outsourcing
Data Entry is crucial in almost every business. You probably are an expert in the way information is recorded and consolidated in your affairs. But if these are becoming too tedious, then it is time to Outsource. There are advantages to Outsourcing these specific tasks.
But do you know WHERE to Outsource?
Before getting into any of that though, here some of the benefits of Outsourcing the Data Entry Tasks in your company. Were you looking for Data Labeling / Annotation services? if yes, please click here.

Winning combination of Outsourced Staff, Local Supervision, and offshore prices
Data Entry improves your Efficiency and Workflow.
It is important to rely on a faster and efficient way of consolidating information. If for example you’re starting to make sales, then the influx of information that comes your way needs to be summarized so that people can see them and ultimately your decisions are made easily.
Since you don’t manage them through an office in town, you can simply relay the tasks they need to perform. And a Results Coach on the ground helps you ensure the quality of work that is being done.
Easy to make adjustments to operations.
Because you can already see some of the chunks of info clumped together, the more you could easily make business decisions in real time. This is the advantage of Data Entry. And any employee of yours who is skilled in Excel or the chosen spreadsheet app is able to convert numerical data into graphs, charts and easily understandable information.
Mind you, if you’re already on-boarding a lot of clients and some sales have already been made, you need to get these things organized and arranged as soon as possible. With an Offshore Office housing your team, this wouldn’t be a problem because we are not a traditional Call Center who just puts people in a box without giving you the opportunity to oversee them.
Reduces Overhead Expenses.
Of course it’s easy to hire someone onshore. But the problem with that is you might have to start new offices and of course that can shoot your overhead costs really high. A Remote Office can provide you these advantages and infrastructure but without all the inflated costs.
And if your Data specialist also serves as your personal assistant, then that all the more increases your chances of building momentum so that you can draw more attention to your brand. You can be up, close and personal with clients. If you incorporate, there might be a speculative amount of dollars you need to spend, no guarantees of returns and several board members with multiple vested-interests. Would you take that risk?
In the best of these situations, you get an Offshore Office that only charges you One Price.
Stable IT and Infrastructure.
It is fundamental that your data entry worker will be dealing with computers, perhaps even voice transcriptions and audio and video content to deal with. Sometimes they’ll simply be dealing with numbers on a database.
In any case, they are going to require the infrastructure to enable them to do their jobs efficiently.
It’s better to have backup power and backup Internet so that your operations will continue to run even in a power outage.
Of course choosing the right Office for Hire is ultimately your goal.
Customizing your Operations.
If you can come up with a way of simplifying all these raw data, this can enable you to make sales pitches and presentations and update your shareholders in real time.
Plus if you have optimized your productivity, you get to demonstrate your capacities as a leader therefore increasing the confidence your investors have in you.
If you’re the sole owner of your corporation however, still you’ll benefit from how you’re able to dictate the way you want all your information consolidated into a highly reliable, readable and concise database.
Running your business 24/7.
If you’re already active on sales, then you probably might be needing some Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable aspects which need attending to. These are some of the aspects that go into the data entry spectrum.
You can also hire a Virtual Assistant who does all these but also acts as a Customer Support specialist.
In fact, Customer Support is crucial in any industry and as with any practice, inevitably, they are also going to need to draw from a knowledge base. You don’t need to worry about the processing software or the personal computers or about purchasing what version of Microsoft Office, the right Outsourcing Company can provide them for you.
So this goes well hand in hand with establishing a database that is functional but also conforms to the specifications that you set in terms of your own operations.
Can you imagine if someone makes a call and a purchase and no one is around to take the call nor record the information about the transactions?
That is a lot of data that is unaccounted for. And if you want to grow your operations in time, then it is vital to keep track of all of these aspects.
Things you CAN do with a DATA ENTRY Specialist
- Ask them to go over all of your Main Accounts and study them
- Ask them to segregate New and Old Accounts and those that are pending
- Make a list of names and assign numerical values to them
- Ask them to TRANSLATE Data into Graphs and Understandable chunks of information on Excel or your spreadsheet
- Upload your DATA to the Cloud where you can view them easily
- Ask them to double check for errors or anomalies
- Do Virtual Calls Zoom to Conference on how the ingesting and consolidating of new information is added
- Book 3 or More DATA ENTRY SPECIALISTS and have them compartmentalize Each Aspect of your Job.
- Have them work closely with your SALES and MARKETING Team to make sure things are going perfectly.
Low Cost of Philippine Outsourcing
First off, it is never good to do things cheap and low-rent. However if you outsource to the Philippines, your dollars can be converted much higher because of the low cost of living in this country.
Why would you hire onshore staff if it can be done with lesser risk, at a lower cost and with equal caliber and much more efficiency?
The Philippines has the most literate population in Southeast Asia and the best of the Filipinos are skilled in both written and oral English.
Through choosing your personalized remote staff, there is nothing you cannot achieve through the proper use of Outsourcing your Data Entry professionals.Running a job search should not be hard. If you find the right company who can provide the best staff in data processing and data entry is absolutely important.
Here’s some of the most prominent Data Entry Skills and we assure you that we can find the right staff who can accomplish these tasks:
Fast Typing Skills
It makes sense that they’ll be working on some high level, high volume tasks so it’s important that their keystrokes per hour are all counting for something. Typing speed counts for much but also their ability to understand different aspects of a business.
Attention to Detail
Data entry work is very important. You don’t want freelancers who work at online data entry jobs. You want people with the specialties, who come to your Remote Office every day and are willing to report to their Supervisors and to YOU about what they’ve been doing with their output and processing software.
The Right Credentials
In the Philippines, we can hire College Graduates. Not just high school diplomas. Though the tasks are tedious yes, they also are capable of making intuitive choices and guesses based on your business strategy and the nature of your operations. This gives them the expertise the job requires and is absolutely paramount that they perform these functions with uttermost expertise.
Prospering your brand is in your fingertips.
With us you won’t be getting low level data entry clerks. We can scout for the right people who are not just good at Word Processors. They understand the ins and outs of business from marketing to customer service and they are better able to collate your information so it is inputted in the right way.
CONTACT US to Book your Outsourced Data Entry Team now.
Best Use Cases for quality data sets
We focus on high level of accuracy, with internal training programs, and knowledge share, to make your Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP) project a success.